Food safety regulations
All food businesses are required to register with us. If you would like to register your premises please download a food business registration form.
Many publications are available to assist local businesses and residents with food safety issues.
All food handlers are required to have some training in safe food handling, personal hygiene, bacterial growth and temperature control. This is usually provided through local colleges or private trainers and consultants. Advice on legislation and on the need for specific provisions during refurbishment of either new or existing premises is always readily available.
Information for managers on requirements for food handlers is available in our Fitness to Work Managers Responsibilities leaflet. Similar advice for employees can also be found in our Fitness to Work Employees Responsibilities leaflet.
New guidance on preventing cross-contamination by E.Coli O157 has been published by the Food Standards Agency and there is also an easy to read fact sheet.
Mobile food traders are regulated in the same way as other food businesses.
Trading location for mobile businesses
We do not get involved with where a mobile business chooses to trade. However, mobile traders will need to consider the following:
- The Police frequently object to traders who pitch alongside highways causing an obstruction and move them on. This includes large lay-bys where queuing customers can cause a hazard.
- Other Departments within the Council frequently object to trading carried out on land owned or managed by the Council. This includes a lot of public land and traders are usually moved on
- Trading on private land should only be carried out with the permission of the land owner. The land owner can only give that permission if they have the correct Planning Permission for that land. Land owners should discuss any queries with the Council’s Planning Department
- Traders wishing to pitch in Merthyr Tydfil town centre will need the permission of the Town Centre Manager
The legal requirements for mobile traders are the same as those for operating a food business from a fixed establishment and leaflets on the general legal requirements can be found on the Food Standards Agency website.
However, mobile premises can be associated with particular issues and you will need to ensure that:
- Food handlers have the appropriate level of training. You should be able to provide a list of who is working with you on the vehicle or stall. Those handling open high-risk food must have training which is commensurate with their duties. Staff & volunteers involved in the preparation and handling of open high-risk food should be formally trained to a standard similar to that of the Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene. Online courses may not be acceptable. Copies of food hygiene certificates for all persons who will be working on the vehicle/stall must be available for inspection
- Hot water is provided for hand-washing and cleaning. Separate facilities must be provided for washing hands and utensils or food. Many vehicles have the ability to provide hot water. Others rely on a piped supply from nearby premises. Some vehicles and many stalls rely on flasks of hot water and portable plastic basins. Flasks must be of sufficient capacity to provide all hot water requirements for one days trading
- Containers used for the storage of drinking water and for hand washing and cleaning must be visibly clean on the outside and routinely sanitised on the inside. Please see our Guide to Sanitising Mobile Water Containers
- Waste water must be collected in a suitable container and disposed of accordingly. Waste water should not discharge onto the ground
- Where a vehicle uses bottled gas for cooking or heating water, a valid Gas Safety Certificate will be required for the vehicle. This can only be issued by a Gas Safe registered gas fitter who has the appropriate qualifications for installing and inspecting LPG in commercial operations. The Gas Safe register can be found by clicking on the link to the Gas Safe website. Liquid petroleum gas cylinders must come equipped with appropriate pressure regulators