House to house collections licence
Door to door collections for money and/or goods, including envelope collections and those from pub to pub need to be licensed. The Home Office Licenses national collections, such as Christian Aid etc. and the Council regulates smaller collections and any that do not have a Home Office Exemption Order which take place in the Borough of Merthyr Tydfil.
The House-to-House Collections licensed by the Council must be undertaken in accordance with the House to House Collections Act 1939.
Applying for a House to House Collection Licence
Anyone wishing to undertake a House to House collection, is advised to contact the Licensing section to check the availability of dates. It is the Council’s policy to allow only one collection in a location at any one time.
Once an available date has been agreed it can be provisionally booked, but we must receive a completed application form before a permit may be granted.
Applications must be made at least 28 days prior to the requested collection date.
There is no fee for a House to House Collection Permit.
Organising a House to House Collection
When organising a House to House Collection the Permit Holder must ensure that:
- You have the necessary written permission from the Council.
- You have read and familiarised yourself with the regulations.
- No collection must be undertaken in a manner which will inconvenience or annoy any person.
- Every collector must wear a standard badge and carries a certificate of
authority, which are both obtained from Her Majesty's Stationary Office. - Collectors produce their badge on demand to the occupant of any house or any police officer.
- All collectors must be over 16 years old.
- If a collector is carrying a collecting box, it must be sealed, numbered and clearly display the name of the charity or fund which is to benefit.
After a collection
Once a House to House collection has taken place:
- Collectors must never be given access to the contents of collection boxes, prior to their being returned to the promoter for opening and counting.
- Boxes should only be opened in the presence of the promoter and another responsible person. Once the boxes have been opened, the contents should be counted immediately and the amount collected in each box recorded.
- After the collection the promoter must complete a return for the benefit of the Council, within one month of the expiry of the permit. The promoter must certify the return and have it countersigned by a qualified accountant.
For further information on making an application please contact us.