Online, Saves Time



Incident Location

Step 1 of 4

Please provide as much information as you can to help us find where the items have been dumped
Where is the fly-tipping incident?

What are your contact and address details?

Step 3 of 4

Do you wish to report this anonymously?
Do you live in the borough?

Further Information

Step 4 of 4

Please provide details below.

(Fields marked with * are mandatory)

Did you witness the person responsible for tipping the waste?
Do you possess any other evidence which may assist in identifying the offender?

Report submitted

Your reference number is :

We will send you a confirmation email.

What happens next?

We’ve sent your report to our Cleansing Team. The team will aim to visit the area and investigate within 5 working days.

When to contact us

If you have made a mistake or need to change something in your report.

Thank you for taking the time to visit