Council Tax Online
Why manage your account online?
You can:
- View up to date account information
- View your previous Bills and Notifications
- Update your Contact Details
- Opt in for Electronic Billing and view them online
- Set up or amend a direct debit
- Contact us directly about your account
- Apply for discounts, disregards and exemptions to reduce your Bill
- Tell us you’ve moved
Register for an Online Account
To register for this service you will need:
- Your Account reference number
- Your Property Postcode
- A valid email address
- A contact telephone number
Set up a Direct Debit
This is a quick and easy way to pay your council tax. If you choose to pay by Direct Debit, you will be offered four dates on which to make your payment (the 1st, 10th, 20th or 22nd of the month) and also have the option to pay over 10 or 12 months.
You will need your council tax account number together with your bank details.
Apply for a Council Tax Discount or amend a Discount that you currently have
Here you can:
- Apply for single person discount if you are the only occupier aged over 18 in the property
- Cancel a single person discount
- Apply for student disregard if you are a student, or you have a student living with you
- Apply for an exemption based on you having a severe mental impairment that has been medically diagnosed or someone that lives with you has
- Apply for an exemption for a dwelling that requires or is undergoing major repairs to render it habitable, or is undergoing structural alteration
Register for Council Tax or let us know you have moved home
Here you can:
- Tell us you have moved into the borough
- Tell us you have moved out of the borough
- Tell us you have moved within the borough
Landlord and Agents online access
Tell us if your tenant has moved in or out of a property
Check the Council Tax Band of a property
Check the council tax band of a property and the annual charge