How to claim Housing Benefit
You can only make a new claim for Housing Benefit if one of the following applies:
- You and your partner (if you have one) are pension age.
- You are staying in a hostel, refuge or some types of supported or temporary housing.
Otherwise, you must claim Universal Credit.
The amount of Housing Benefit you can get is worked out by looking at:
- how much money you have coming in
- your personal circumstances and the amount of rent you have to pay
- the amount of savings you have
These benefit calculators will help you to find out what you could receive.
For more information on what Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction is and to make a claim use our online form below.
If you are already receiving Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction and need to advise us of a change in your circumstances.
To find out what types of change you need to tell about and to report a change then visit tell us about a change in circumstances