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Adult Social Care

We provide a range of support services for adults and older people who need support.

Adults at Risk of Abuse or Neglect

Are you worried about an adult who may be at risk? What is abuse and neglect and how to report a concern about an adult who may be at risk.

How Do I Access Care and Support for Myself or Someone else?

The Social Services and Well-being Act is changing the way Social Services assess your care and support needs.

Help to live at home Independently

Our aim is to help people stay living safely at home for as long as possible. If you’re struggling with any areas of living independently, there are a range of solutions and services to help you.

Alternative to Living in Your Own Home

Information on alternative accommodation including extra care, residential and nursing placements if you are no longer able to remain at home.

Mental Health

Support and advice for maintaining your Mental Health and Well-being.

Money and legal matters

How to access financial support, what you might be eligible for and how it's worked out.

Community and Day Centres

Community and Day Centre Information.

Drugs and Alcohol

If you or anyone you know needs help with a drug or alcohol problem our support services can help you.

Activities for Older People

50+ Forum and Events.

50+ Information and Advice

Strategies and useful information for the 50+


Information, advice and support for people with disabilities.

Caring for others

Support to help you continue to providing care.

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

Find out more on how the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, which will take effect from April 2016, will affect you.

Out of hours social services support

Provides an emergency social work service for urgent situations which arise outside of normal office hours.

Lifeline ‘Peace of Mind’ Service (Community Alarms)

Find out what Lifeline is and how you can apply.