How Do I Access Care and Support for Myself or Someone else?
The Social Services and Wellbeing Act is changing the way Social Services assess your care and support needs.
- More information, advice and assistance will be available
- Assessment will be simpler depending on the level and complexity of your needs
- Carers have an equal right to be assessed for support
- We will focus on keeping our most vulnerable citizens safe from abuse and neglect,
When you contact us, you can expect to be asked about what matters most to your sense of well-being and what could help this improve enough to make a real difference.
You and your family will have more voice in deciding on the help you need and more control over your care and support plan to ensure that you get the right support at the right time.
The changes also mean that there will be a greater range of help available within the local community to help reduce the need for formal, planned support.
Where we do provide support or services, this will often be needed for a short time only, and will focus on giving you the skills and confidence to manage independently without our support.
What support will I get?
Once you, or someone close to you, has asked for advice or support, we will be there to help you and offer information and advice on a range of options available.
Your support will depend on the kind of help you need, and will consider whether:
- you are able to meet the need alone; or
- you are able to meet the need with the care and support of others who are willing to provide it ; or
- you are able to meet the need with the assistance of services you can access in the community.
First level support may be information and advice and/or support from your local community
Leaving hospital
To help you regain your confidence and/or strength after a short stay in hospital, or when you first need to maintain your independence, the range of options may include:
- Information and advice about what support is available in your local community
- Assistance to access care and support
- Care in your home
- Equipment and aids to help you
- Small adaptations e.g. a stair rail
What if I need more support?
If your needs are greater, and you need more ongoing support, this is likely to be provided by a number of different people or agencies.
In this case, it is likely that arrangements for your care will be written into a Care and Support Plan. This plan is called a Care and Treatment Plan in mental health.
What is a Care and Support Plan?
A care and support plan explains how the outcomes you wish to achieve and your needs will be met - if possible in the ways you would like them to be met.
It will include what the plan sets out to do, details of your needs and any services you will get to meet your eligible needs. Usually we will be able to arrange all the services you need quickly but, on occasions, you may have to wait. We will give to you a copy of your assessment which will have a copy of your Care and Support Plan attached.
The care and support plan will be reviewed at a time agreed with you.