School admission appeals
Every school in Merthyr Tydfil has an admission number which is set by reference to the school’s capacity to accommodate pupils. The following information relates to admission arrangements for community schools only.
Admission arrangements for Blessed Carlo Acutis can be found in the school admissions booklet, or directly from the schools themselves.
Admissions to primary schools will normally be granted provided a schools admission number is not exceeded. Where the number of applications for admission to a school exceeds the number of places available, i.e. where an admission number has been reached, places will be allocated by applying the following oversubscription criteria;
Priority Category 1: ‘Children Looked After’ (children in public care) and previous ‘Children Looked After’.
Priority Category 2: Children whose home is inside the school’s catchment area and have an older sibling attending the school from the same address, at the date of application, who will continue to attend that school in September 2025.
Priority Category 3: Children whose home is inside the school’s catchment area who do not have an older sibling attending the school.
Priority Category 4: Children whose home is outside the school’s catchment area but have an older sibling attending from the same address, at the date of application, who will continue to attend that school in September 2025.
Priority Category 5: Children whose home is outside the school’s catchment area who do not have an older sibling attending the school.
Please be aware that there is no right of appeal if you have been refused a pre-nursery or nursery place.
In the vast majority of cases, children are offered places at their parents/carers first choice of school. However, if a child is unable to gain admission to a preferred school, parents/carers may wish to appeal the decision. In order to do this, you must;
- Provide the Local Authority with a written letter of appeal within 10 working days of the admission decision.
- Include the following information in the letter
a. Name and date of birth of your child.
b. Name of the preference school to which a place has been refused.
c. The grounds on which your appeal is being made.
3. Forward the letter of appeal to; The Director of Education, Civic Centre, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8AN or e-mail
For further information on the appeals process, please refer to the School Admissions Policy, which can be accessed at the bottom of this page.
If you wish to discuss your child’s application, or want some further advice, please contact the School Admissions Team on 01685 725000.