Drainage and Flooding
Information related to land drainage and flood risk including who to contact if there is a problem.
SAB (SuDS Approval Body)
Apply for MTCBC SAB approval and find further information on Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act.
Flood Risk Management
Flood Risk Management strategies and reports, plus information on flood alert warnings.
Report a flooding or drainage Issue
How to report a flooding or drainage issue.
Sewers and Water mains
Who to contact if there's a problem with public sewers or water mains.
Ordinary Watercourse Consenting
What to do if you plan to carry out construction works on a watercourse
Riparian Ownership
Your responsibilities if a watercourse crosses land under your ownership.
Flooding Advice, Prevention and Insurance
Up to date flood advice from Natural Resources Wales and information on where to get affordable insurance if your home is at risk from flooding.