Report Fly-tipping
Use this service to report fly-tipping.
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste on any land, whether it is private or Council owned land.
If you witness a fly-tipping in progress, please contact the Waste Enforcement Team on 01685 725000 during working hours. Outside normal working hours please call the Police on 999 and provide the registration details of any vehicle involved.
To report a fly tip after it has occurred, please report it online. When reporting a fly tip, please provide as much information as possible regarding the date and time of the fly tip, details of any persons involved, description of type and number of items fly-tipped, and any details of vehicles involved (registration number). If you have photographic or video evidence that would also be useful. We will clear fly tips from public highway as soon as possible.
If you find fly-tipped waste, please do not touch or remove the waste as fly-tipped waste can be dangerous and include items such as syringes, broken glass, asbestos, toxic chemicals, or other hazardous materials.
Please do not disturb the site as there may be evidence that could help identify the perpetrators and lead to their successful prosecution.
Please report it to us as soon as possible using the above contact details. Witnesses will be asked to make a statement, should the matter proceed to court. Please note that witnesses may be required to appear in court. We would advise that you do not approach anyone who is fly-tipping as they may be violent/abusive.
Do I need to give my details when reporting fly-tipping?
You have the right to anonymity when reporting any incident of fly-tipping, however, this makes it difficult to obtain any further information on the complaint if required.
The Council cannot clear any waste dumped on privately owned land, this would be the responsibility of the landowner. However, we aim to investigate all incidents of fly-tipping.
How can we prevent fly-tipping?
- When disposing of any excess waste, you have a duty to ensure that all waste is given to a registered waste carrier. You can check if a waste carrier is registered by using the NRW Public Register Ask the waste carrier to provide you with a receipt to prove they have taken your waste
- Ask the contractor where they intend to take your waste
- Utilise the two Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRC) within the Borough to dispose of any excess household waste
Why is fly-tipping a problem?
Fly-tipping is a problem because:
- It may cause serious pollution to watercourses and the environment in general
- It may harm wildlife and farm animals
- It is unsightly, de-values property and can be a risk to humans
- It spoils our quality of life and enjoyment of the environment
- Clearing it up costs landowners and the taxpayers of Merthyr Tydfil £80,000 per annum