Report a Street that needs cleaning
Use this service to report a street that needs cleaning
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council sweeps roads and footpaths helping to keep the environment clean. If you feel your street needs cleaning.
The Council has responsibility for cleaning council owned property and land.
Schools have a responsibility to clear litter and refuse from their own grounds, but not for litter outside the grounds.
If a piece of private land is littered, the owner is responsible. The Environmental Protection Act 1990 gives both councils and the public the right to take legal action to enforce others to clean up areas.
You can use the above form to report:
- Street Sweeping
- Cleanse animal fouling
- Remove Graffiti
- Weed Control
- Cigarette or smoking debris
- Clean littered area
- Needles - please phone 01685 72500 during working hours