Council Tax Reduction
You can apply to see whether your Council Tax bill can be reduced based on your income if you are on a low income or claiming Benefits.
You can get a 100% reduction award depending on
- your circumstances (for example, income, number of children)
- your household income - this includes things like savings, pension, your partner’s income
- if your children live with you
- if other adults live with you
These benefit calculators will help you to find out what you could receive.
How to claim?
For more information on what Council Tax Reduction is and to make a claim please use the online benefits service.
If you are already claiming Council Tax Reduction you must tell us about any changes.
To advise us of a change then please visit tell us about a change
If you disagree with a decision
You need to appeal in writing giving reasons for your appeal.
We then have two months to make a decision about your appeal. If you do not receive a timely decision or you disagree with the decision, you can appeal to a Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales.
Appeals should be addressed to the Valuation Tribunal, 22 Gold Tops, Newport, NP20 4PG.
You should continue to pay your original bill until your appeal has been decided.