LDP Examination Library
Examination Documents
Documents and correspondence prepared and/or submitted in relation to the examination of the submitted plan:
ED001 - Local Development Plan Examinations – Procedure Guidance (Pins, Aug 2015)
ED002 - Inspector's Guidance Notes REVISED (11.06.19)
ED003 - 6th REVISION Draft Hearings Programme (05.07.19) THIS IS A LIVE DOCUMENT & SUBJECT TO CHANGE
ED004 - Inspector's initial letter to all Representors (25.04.19)
ED005 - Inspector's initial letter to Council (25.04.19)
ED006 - Cwm Taf Well-Being Plan 2018-2023 (May 2018)
ED007 - MTCBC Letter to Inspector (09.05.19)
- ED007a - Enclosure 1. Merthyr Tydfil Replacement LDP 2016-2031 Infrastructure Schedule May 2019
- ED007b - Enclosure 2. Equalities Impact Assessment briefing paper May 2019
- ED007c - Enclosure 3. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council ‘Statement of Wellbeing’ 2017
ED008 - Inspector's List of Matters, Issues and Questions for Hearings (13.05.19)
- ED008.1a Agenda for Hearing 1 - Plan prep AMENDED 13.06.19
- ED008.2a Agenda for Hearing 2 - Strategy etc AMENDED 13.06.19
- ED008.3 Agenda for Hearing 3 - Housing
- ED008.4 Agenda for Hearing 4 - Site allocations
- ED008.5 Agenda for Hearing 5 - Commercial
- ED008.6 Agenda for Hearing 6 - DM policies 1
- ED008.7 Agenda for Hearing 7 - DM policies 2
- ED008.8 Agenda for Hearing 8 - Renewables etc
ED009 - MTCBC Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) Background Paper (07.06.19)
- ED009a - Commuted Sums for Maintaining Infrastructure Assets - County Surveyors Society CSS guidance
ED010 - FURTHER STATEMENTS submitted by Representors and Council for Hearings 1 to 8 in response to Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions [ED008], can be accessed via the relevant Hearing session webpage or the following links:
- Hearing 1: Tue 25 Jun 2019 at 10:00 - Plan preparation, vision and objectives
- Hearing 2: Tue 25 Jun 2019 at 13:00 – Plan strategy, delivery and infrastructure
- Hearing 3: Wed 26 Jun 2019 at 10:00 – Housing
- Hearing 4: Thu 27 Jun 2019 at 10:00 – Strategic and housing site allocations
- Hearing 5: Fri 28 Jun 2019 at 10:00 – Commercial, retail, leisure and tourism development
- Hearing 6: Tue 2 Jul 2019 at 10:00 – Development Management policies 1
- Hearing 7: Wed 3 Jul 2019 at 10:00 – Development Management policies 2
- Hearing 8: Thu 4 Jul 2019 at 10:00 – Renewable energy, minerals, monitoring and other matters
ED011 to ED034 - Additional documents referenced in Council's Further Statements (11.06.19) :
- ED011 - Preferred Strategy Easy read version
- ED012 - Deposit Plan Easy read version
- ED013 - Initial Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary, June 2017
- ED014 - Cardiff Capital Region Industrial and Economic Growth Plan
- ED015 - Adopted LDP Annual Monitoring Report (October 2018)
- ED016 - MTCBC Local Well-being Statement 2018/19
- ED017 - MTCBC Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation (CIL) 123 list of Infrastructure
- ED018 - South East Wales Metro ‘Rolling out our Metro’ brochure 2018
- ED019 - Welsh Government LHMA practice guidance
- ED020 - MTCBC Destination Management Plan
- ED021 - Tourism Economic Activity Monitor (STEAM) 2016 summary data
- ED022 - South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party (SWRAWP) Annual Report for 2017
- ED023 - Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy - A Toolkit for Planners September 2015
- ED024 - The Mid-Valleys Area Criteria for the Selection of SINCs 2008
- ED025 - David Clements Ecology Survey and Assessment for SINC 61 Gethin Forest
- ED026 - David Clements Ecology Survey and Assessment for SINC 62 Cefn Forest
- ED027 - David Clements Ecology Survey and Assessment for SINC 63 St Tydfil East
- ED028 - David Clements Ecology Survey and Assessment for SINC 64 St Tydfil West
- ED029 - David Clements Ecology Survey and Assessment for SINC 4 Merthyr Common
- ED030 - Sustainable Statutory Standards
- ED031 - Sustainable Drainage Statutory Guidance
- ED032 - Sustainable Statutory Standards Frequently Asked Questions
- ED033 - MTCBC Air Quality Action Plan - 2018
- ED034 - Hoover Strategic Regeneration Area - Concept Plan - May 2019
ED035 - Inspector's Supplementary Note for Hearings 1 and 2 (13.06.19)
ED036 - SuDS HBF comments in response to ED009 (17.06.19)
ED037 - Ffos-y-Fran Land Reclamation Scheme - Restoration Plan
ED038 - Ffos-y-Fran Land Reclamation Scheme - Phase 1 Restoration Plan - Full Document - November 2015
ED040 - Appraisal of Extension of Bedlinog Line to Dowlais Top - December 2013
ED041 - Council Response to Inspectors supplementary note (ED035) re Welsh Medium Education (21.06.19)
ED042 - Council's Opening Statement (25.06.19)
ED043 - Council's Amended Appendix 3 to Hearing Statement 4 (27.06.19)
ED044 - Proposed site at Brondeg discussed at Hearing 4 (Marvel Ltd 27.06.19)
ED045 - Schedule of Week 1 Action Points arising from Hearings 1 to 5 (REVISED 11.07.19)
- AP3.1 MTCBC Response to Hearing 3 - Action Point 1
- AP3.2 MTCBC - Amended Appendix 3 to Hearing Statement 4
- AP1.1 MTCBC response to hearing 1 - action point 1
- AP2.1 and AP5.1 MTCBC response to hearing 2 and 5 - action point 1
- AP2.2 MTCBC response to hearing 2 - action point 2
- AP2.3 MTCBC response to hearing 2 - action point 3
- AP2.4 MTCBC response to hearing 2 - action point 4
- AP3.4 MTCBC response to hearing 3 - action point 4
- AP3.5 MTCBC response to hearing 3 - action point 5
- AP4.1 MTCBC response to hearing 4 - action point 1
- AP4.2 MTCBC response to hearing 4 - action point 2
- AP5.2 MTCBC response to hearing 5 - action point 2
- AP5.3 MTCBC response to hearing 5 - action point 3
- AP5.4 MTCBC response to hearing 5 - action point 4
- AP5.5 MTCBC response to hearing 5 - action point 5
- AP5.6 MTCBC response to hearing 5 - action point 6
- AP3.3 MTCBC response to hearing 3 - action point 3 (16.07.19)
- AP4.3 MTCBC response to hearing 4 - action point 3 (16.07.19)
ED046 - Housing and population statistics submitted by MT Heritage Trust in response to AP3.1
ED047 - Schedule of Week 2 Action Points arising from Hearings 6 to 8 (11.07.19)
- AP6.2 MTCBC response to hearing 6 - action point 2
- AP6.3 MTCBC response to hearing 6 - action point 3
- AP7.1 MTCBC response to hearing 7 - action point 1
- AP6.1 MTCBC response to hearing 6 - action point 1
- AP8.1 MTCBC response to hearing 8 - action point 1
ED048 - Cwm Glo SINC 12 Survey and SINC Assessment David Clements Ecology May 2006
ED049 - Cwm Glo a Glyndyrys SSSI Citation (Legal Version)
ED050 - Cwm Glo SSSI NRW file note June 2015
ED051 - FURTHER STATEMENTS submitted by Representors for Hearing 9 in response to Council's papers prepared for Action Points 3.3 and 4.3 [ED045] can be accessed via Hearing 9 webpage link:
ED052 - Agenda for Hearing 9 - Housing and other matters
- ED052a - Supplementary note for Hearing 9
ED053 - Council Statement for Hearing 9 - Housing allocations/supply & other matters (20.08.19)
ED054 - Schedule of Action Points arising from Hearing 9 (22.08.19)
- AP9.1 Cwmfelin Slopes Survey and SINC Assessment (David Clements Ecology, April 2008) referred to by Mr J Davies for Hearing 9 on 21.08.19
- AP9.2 MTCBC response to hearing 9 - action point 2
Matters Arising Changes (MACs) Public Consultation – Monday 9th September to 21st October 2019:
ED055 - Schedule of Matters Arising Changes to the Replacement Deposit Plan (September 2019)
ED057 - Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report Addendum (September 2019)
ED058 - Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Appropriate Assessment (AA) Report Addendum (September 2019)
ED059 - Notice of Matters Arising Changes Public Consultation
Please refer to First Replacement Local Development Plan 2016-2013 for further information and how to submit comments.
ED060 Register of Representations made to the proposed Matters Arising Changes (MACs) (24 October 2019)
ED061 Inspector's letter to Council re NRW's comments on the MACs (28.1019)
ED062 Merthyr LDP Inspector's Report (17.12.19)
Submission Documents
View the Submission Documents including Evidence Base documents sent to Welsh Government and the Planning Inspectorate for the Examination of the Replacement LDP 2016-2031.